KidZania London
KidZania is a global edutainment brand and has seen over 40 million visitors to date. With 19 locations spanning five continents, KidZania mixes work and play to provide children with an idea o the inner workings of a proper city, and financial management. It is the first educational entertainment experience in the UK, where children aged four to fourteen can learn real-life skills in a child-sized replica of a real city, including buildings, shops, and theaters, as well as vehicles and pedestrians moving along its streets.
From the Aviation Academy to the Radio Station, Police Station or Hospital, the city streets are lined with real-life establishments. Allow yourself to discover over 30 unique and exciting professions through real-life role-play adventures in a fun and safe environment.
Your ExperienceOnce you enter KidZania, you will find yourself at the British Airways check-in counter. Upon checking in yourself and your children, they will receive an RFID bracelet and also get 50 KidZos (KidZania currency), which is basically the currency that is used within the ‘city’. If the activity your children choose to do are paid, they can use the KidZos to pay for it. If they choose to do a salaried activity, they will receive some KidZos upon completion of said activity, just like in the real world.
Through role play, kids can learn about a host of different jobs. Watch your children try out new experiences such as the Police Department, Courier Service, Cricket, Cleaning Company, Chocolate Factory, and more. Meanwhile, you can also take part in the many offerings that KidZania has for adults, such as Family Activities, the Grown-ups Garden Shed, and the adult working space 'Loft'.
Your check-in lasts for 4 hours, during which your children will take part in the activities and games they choose. Activity durations range between 5 minutes and 50 minutes. An average of 4 to 6 activities can be completed during your 4-hour visit depending on the activities you choose. During the last half an hour, you can enter the city and meet your kids, sharing in their new-found joys. A visit to KidZania is sure to enthrall and engage your children, and leave them coming back for more!