Casanova's Venice Walking Tour
Venice, known as the romantic city, a city of excellence, theatre of memorable loves and libertine affairs…
Stroll around narrow alleys (calli) and tunnel passageways (sottoporteghi), you will discover the more sensual side of Venice. This tour will take you to unveil pages of the history of fashion and styles without leaving out famous paramours, irreverent writers and charming seducers.
The itinerary follows the life of Giacomo Casanova. You will start from the Doge's Palace, where he escaped from prison in 1756. You will then pass by the well-known “casino”, where he used to meet his mysterious lovers and finally reach his home in the San Samuele area. Along the way you will cross other destinies and other romances: from Foscolo to D’Annunzio, from Lord Byron to Giorgio Baffo, famous characters that really embodied and brought the seductive, erotic side of the city to light.